Apr 16, 2007

First week - flu :-(

While I was in still in Kitami with Tomomi, she called a number that the airline manager had handed to me. She asked for the model of my camera from the other end and indeed, they did have it! They said to ship it to Tomomi's address because I wasn't aware of my own address at the time and that it'd take one week. I felt very relieved after hearing it, because the camera was not even mine, but my parents'.

The first week was definitely the most straining one, but hopefully not the most exciting one. This is why - after Tomomi left for her work training to Sapporo, I got sick. I met the other Finnish guys, first Ville and then later in the same evening Petri. We went to buy a rice cooker since I needed one in my nearly empty apartment and to get that, we had to walk a few kilometers. In the shop, I managed to drop the glass cover of a saucepan which broke in pieces, but we didn't have to pay for it. I felt bad for it, but the shop personnel just went to get a new cover for the pan and that's what I got instead.

On the next day, I guess I was already getting a bit sore throat when waking up and felt really cold in the morning. But regardless of that, I wanted to get to know the Finns better and go around Kitami, so in the evening, we took the bus to an electronic shop far away across the city. I bought some plug converters from there, after which we started to walk back. I was really hungry, so we went to a nice-looking restaurant, Victoria Steakhouse. After finishing the dinner, we continued walking and kept on going for a long, long time, only stopping by at a shopping center and then getting back on the road.

Next morning, I felt like shit, really cold and my nostrils either dripping or completely stuck. I couldn't do anything at all, so I just stayed at the dorm and arranged my stuff together for living in Kitami for year. There was a bunch of basic stuff to be done like getting trashbags, buying some basic ingredients for cooking and of course setting up my computer, which took almost a full day by itself. A word to the wise - Macs Don't Just Work. Fuck 'em. I will never buy an Apple brand computer again. I have two external hard drives filled with music I cannot even listen to, because plugging them in slows the computer down so badly that using it becomes unbearable. That's just one of the many problems I've had with this MacBook. However, most of the internet is full of whining about computers which is fueled by more nerd rage than I could ever cope with, so if you're interested in reading about how other computer companies except mine suck, head for Google.

Anyways - after a few days, I had gotten much better and within a week, I was almost completely cured. I just had a dripping nose, but that was all. I think I've built up a good resistance against all kinds of sicknesses by just eating all kinds of food and by trying to keep healthy habits in terms of exercise and whatnot, so the sickness was no such a big deal. I don't know how I got it though - Ville got the flu same day I did and after that, Petri caught it as well from us. I attributed it to just stress, jetlag and sleeping in mold-stinking sheets and bedding. I changed the futons in the International office and washed the sheets, after which I was alright. I think Samuli, a late-arriving Finn, was the one to get the old futon, though.

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