Jul 6, 2008

The rest of the photos

For those two people who are still checking this blog for updates, this is the final one. I uploaded the October- March gallery, some 130 photos, with comments to the Photos section. So go ahead and browse there if you're interested! Anyway, a short recap of my exchange year:
1) I went to Kitami, Japan
2) I was together with my girlfriend
3) I cycled a lot
4) I went to karaoke a lot
5) I went to onsen a lot
6) I came back to Finland to actually do some studying and got a job which has kept me busy since then.

To experience all of this and more, you're probably better off not going to Kitami, but some better university and a larger city, if you're interested in either studying or nightlife or something else than just watching cows. If you're interested in downhill skiing or possibly cross-country, Hokkaido is a great place for you. If you love nature, Hokkaido is a great place for you. However, even under these circumstances, I wouldn't recommend Kitami. Go to Sapporo instead, from there you have easy access to all kinds of activities as well.

Even having said that, it was still a great experience, I would've just rather been somewhere else when I was in Kitami.

Jan 26, 2008

Kitami Map

We did a map of Kitami, highlighting the main attractions around the city. That is, supermarkets, restaurants, malls, bars etc. that we've frequented. Hope it helps the new students at KIT!
Map of Kitami at Google Maps